Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Right To Choose

I, as a student, should have the right to choose whether I want to go to school or not to go to school without getting in trouble for truancy. That should be my right to make that decision without consequences for my decisions. I am writing about this because in the long run it will either affect me in a bad way or a good way.

If I choose not to go to school then it’s more than likely going to affect me in a bad way. It will affect my future, for it might be harder to get a job, pay bills, or live an easier life. If I choose to go to school then I am going to have an easier, more successful future than I would if I had chosen not to go to school. That is a right I think I should have as a student.


  1. This is a really interesting point that gets right at the heart of political debate. It raises a lot of questions about how much responsibility you should take for yourself as a citizen and how much of a role the government should play in the lives of individuals to ensure their well being. I look forward to reading more about your perspective on this issue. Thanks for a great post!

  2. April I do think this an interesting point, however, you have to know as an educator I believe all students should attend school. I do find it refreshing that you understand that not attending school will have an adverse effect on your life.

  3. Hi April. I think one reason that the government requires students to go to school is that the nation wants to ensure that the young people coming up now are prepared to run things in the future. The future of our nation depends on how well the youth are educated, how engaged the youth are in community and civic affairs, etc... So I can understand why there are laws requiring students to attend school. It's in our national interests. That's not to say that the interests of our nation should be put ahead of the rights of an individual. I'm just saying that I can understand why the laws are the way they are. But you do raise an interesting point. Keep up the good work!
