Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ain't gonna tie me down

Ain’t gonna tie me down

I know many people have goals that they would like to achieve. There are things in our world today that can tie any person down and stop them from doing what they want to accomplish in life. We have things like drugs, alcohol, pills, violence, gangs and more. Those are the main things that stop a person from achieving their goal.

In the future I want to become a nurse. I have decided that I will let nothing tie me down from reaching my goals in life. Everyday life is a struggle, but I can do it. We all can make it through. One of the first things that come to my mind when I think of the words ain’t gonna tie me down is --why do we even let people or things tie us down? I am going to achieve my goal by not letting people or things get to me. I will do the best to my ability to try as hard as I can do to reach my goal. My goal all together is important to me. We really just need to make something out of life and work hard for what we believe in.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I, too, have a dream…

My dream in life to me is amazing. I want to be a nurse. Everybody has their own dream and my dream is to make something special of my life. I want many different things but only one special dream. Many people walk around with their heads down low, when deep down inside they have a dream just like the rest of us. Dreams are made for everyone. To me it is a gift. My dream, my one special dream is to not fail at what I believe in. Having a dream is something everybody has whether they realize it or not. Having a dream that you want to do, receive, or have in life is a gift everyone can have.